"Rapid Expansion" in the Oilfield Chemical Sector


The 48th Indonesia Petroleum & Natural Gas Exhibition (IPA) ignited Jakarta's energy sector from May 14th to 16th, 2024, drawing an assembly of industry titans and stakeholders. Orchestrated by Great Wall Drilling's International Business Division, GWDC Kunshan(Jingkun Chemistry), in close collaboration with the Indonesian project department, seized the spotlight at this pivotal event.

With meticulous planning as the cornerstone, GWDC Kunshan(Jingkun Chemistry) utilized the platform to unveil its spectrum of thickening agents, advanced fracturing fluid systems, production enhancement chemicals, and cutting-edge gathering and transportation solutions, aiming to elevate product visibility. The exhibition also served as a nexus for strategic engagements, fostering dialogue with key figures from major clients, partners, and local institutions, including China National Petroleum Corporation Indonesia Branch, Indonesian National Oil Company, CITIC Energy Indonesia Branch, BP, and representatives from neighboring nations. The primary agenda revolved around accentuating GWDC Kunshan(Jingkun Chemistry)'s prowess in the oilfield chemical domain, augmenting brand resonance, and injecting renewed vigor into its endeavors.

Since the advent of the year, GWDC Kunshan(Jingkun Chemistry) has zealously pursued an agenda of accelerating growth within the oilfield chemical sector. A dedicated "business marketing + technical support" unit was established, spearheading a dual strategy of outward expansion and inward cultivation. Seamlessly integrating high-profile "going out" initiatives with meticulously curated "bringing in" endeavors, technical support teams were deployed for product experimentation and advocacy in overseas project domains such as Chad and South Sudan. Moreover, the company's participation in petroleum exhibitions, hosting delegations from regional markets including Chad, Kuwait, and Turkmenistan for collaborative research and knowledge exchange at GWDC Kunshan(Jingkun Chemistry), and multifaceted overseas oilfield chemical sales were all integral components of this strategic roadmap. Looking ahead, GWDC Kunshan(Jingkun Chemistry) remains steadfast in fortifying bonds with the Indonesian project department, targeting potential and pivotal clientele identified during this exhibition as catalysts for business transformation.