Home > Fracturing > Additives > Buffer

Throughout the fracturing procedure, it's essential to fine-tune the pH level of the working fluid in alignment with construction prerequisites. Promptly and efficiently facilitates within the working fluid, ensuring seamless attainment of the intended fracturing construction objectives.

AppearanceColorless or pale yellow transparent liquid
Density r (20°C) , g/cm³0.980-1.300


Soluble in water
pH Adjustability, ΔpH≥2.0
Total Alkalinity C (OH- ), mol/L≥1.0

Key Features

Good safety: Buffer is a liquid product with good water solubility, and can be directly added to the working fluid for on-site use, avoiding the problem of solid re-dissolution and improving construction safety;

Easy to adjust: Buffer can adjust the pH value of the working fluid smoothly, and the addition amount can be determined according to the demand;

High alkalinity: The total alkalinity of Buffer is high, which can effectively reduce the dosage.

Evaluation of drag reducer effect

When in use, Buffer can be directly added into the working fluid and mixed evenly. The addition amount can meet the requirements at 0.1%-0.6%. It can effectively adjust the pH value of the mixed solution to meet the requirements of use and ensure the smooth progress of fracturing construction.