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Low Residual Fracturing Fluid

The GW-CF Low Residual Fracturing Fluid finds its primary application in oil and gas layer fracturing operations, ensuring the temperature remains below 130°C. Comprising a comprehensive array of components, this system includes JK1003 low-residue fracturing thickener, low-residue fracturing crosslinking agent, pH regulator, along with auxiliary products such as drainage agent, anti-swelling agent, and fungicide. These six components collectively offer several notable advantages, including heightened viscosity, robust sand-carrying capability, minimal filtration loss, reduced friction, cost-effectiveness, positive environmental performance, and a notable enhancement in production yield.

Crosslinking Time, s30 ~ 180
Temperature Resistance and Shear ResistanceOf cross-linked fracturing fluid at 120°C for 170s-1 shear for 120min, mPa·s≥50
Gel Breaker PerformanceGel breaking time (when the reservoir temperature is lower than 95°C, the temperature at gel breaking is the reservoir temperature; when the reservoir temperature is higher than 95°C, the temperature at gel breaking is 95°C), min≤120
Kinematic viscosity, mm 2/s≤5
Surface tension, mN/m≤28
Interfacial tension, mN/m≤2
Residue content, mg/L≤200
Anti-expansion rate, %≥80
Demulsification rate, %≥95

Key Features

Low residue, low damage: Under the same fracturing fluid formula and ratio and the same gel breaking conditions, the residue of the GW-CF low residue fracturing fluid system at 120°C is much smaller than that of guar gum fracturing currently used in oilfields liquid system.

Good temperature resistance and shear resistance: the low-residue fracturing fluid system is sheared at 120°C and 170 counts for 2 hours, and the viscosity of the jelly remains above 200 mPas.

The dosage of low residue fracturing thickener is only about 0.30% at 120°C, which is about half of the dosage of ordinary thickeners, which greatly reduces the cost of fracturing fluid use.

Rapid viscosity increas: The thickener is automatically dispersed when added to water, and the viscosity increases rapidly, reaching the maximum viscosity in 4 minutes, which better meets the requirements of on-site liquid preparation.

The jelly has excellent hanging and sand-suspending performance: the jelly formed according to the formula is easy to hang and hang, and the jelly has excellent sand-suspending performance, which can last for more than 3 hours at 90 degrees Celsius when the sand ratio is 50%.

Excellent gel breaking performance: GW-CF low-residue fracturing fluid system breaks gel quickly and thoroughly under low temperature conditions, and the flowback rate is as high as 60%.

Evaluation of drag reducer effect

The low-residue fracturing fluid system reduces the damage to the matrix and conductivity of the reservoir, so that the fracturing operation can see a significant increase in production, obtain higher oil well productivity, and meet the productivity needs of oilfield development.